#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
# encoding: UTF-8
# = Project.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software
# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 by Chris Schlaeger <cs@kde.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
require 'thread'
require 'monitor'
class TaskJuggler
# The JobInfo class is just a storage container for some batch job realted
# pieces of information. It contains things like a job id, the process id,
# the stdout data and the like.
class JobInfo
attr_reader :jobId, :block, :tag
attr_accessor :pid, :retVal, :stdoutP, :stdoutC, :stdout, :stdoutEOT,
:stderrP, :stderrC, :stderr, :stderrEOT
def initialize(jobId, block, tag)
# The job id. A unique number that is used by the BatchProcessor objects
# to indentify jobs.
@jobId = jobId
# This the the block of code to be run as external process.
@block = block
# The tag can really be anything that the user of BatchProcessor needs
# to uniquely identify the job.
@tag = tag
# The pipe to transfer stdout data from the child to the parent.
@stdoutP, @stdoutC = nil
# The stdout output of the child
@stdout = ''
# This flag is set to true when the EOT character has been received.
@stdoutEOF = false
# The pipe to transfer stderr data from the child to the parent.
@stderrP, @stderrC = nil
# The stderr output of the child
@stderr = ''
# This flag is set to true when the EOT character has been received.
@stderrEOT = false
def openPipes
@stdoutP, @stdoutC = IO.pipe
@stderrP, @stderrC = IO.pipe
# The BatchProcessor class can be used to run code blocks of the program as
# a separate process. Mulitple pieces of code can be submitted to be
# executed in parallel. The number of CPU cores to use is limited at object
# creation time. The submitted jobs will be queued and scheduled to the
# given number of CPUs. The usage model is simple. Create an BatchProcessor
# object. Use BatchProcessor#queue to submit all the jobs and then use
# BatchProcessor#wait to wait for completion and to process the results.
class BatchProcessor
# Create a BatchProcessor object. +maxCpuCores+ limits the number of
# simultaneously spawned processes.
def initialize(maxCpuCores)
@maxCpuCores = maxCpuCores
# Jobs submitted by calling queue() are put in the @toRunQueue. The
# pusher Thread will pick them up and fork them off into another
# process.
@toRunQueue = Queue.new
# A hash that maps the JobInfo objects of running jobs by their PID.
@runningJobs = { }
# A list of jobs that wait to complete their writing.
@spoolingJobs = [ ]
# The wait() method will then clean the @toDropQueue, executes the post
# processing block and removes all JobInfo related objects.
@toDropQueue = Queue.new
# A semaphore to guard accesses to @runningJobs, @spoolingJobs and
# following shared data structures.
@lock = Monitor.new
# We count the submitted and completed jobs. The @jobsIn counter also
# doubles as a unique job ID.
@jobsIn = @jobsOut = 0
# An Array that holds all the IO objects to receive data from.
@pipes = []
# A hash that maps IO objects to JobInfo objects
@pipeToJob = {}
# This global flag is set to true to signal the threads to terminate.
@terminate = false
# Sleep time of the threads when no data is pending. This value must be
# large enough to allow for a context switch between the sending
# (forked-off) process and this process. If it's too large, throughput
# will suffer.
@timeout = 0.02
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
# Add a new job the job queue. +tag+ is some data that the caller can use
# to identify the job upon completion. +block+ is a Ruby code block to be
# executed in a separate process.
def queue(tag = nil, &block)
raise 'You cannot call queue() while wait() is running!' if @jobsOut > 0
# If this is the first queued job for this run, we have to start the
# helper threads.
if @jobsIn == 0
# The JobInfo objects in the @toRunQueue are processed by the pusher
# thread. It forkes off processes to execute the code block associated
# with the JobInfo.
@pusher = Thread.new { pusher }
# The popper thread waits for terminated childs and picks up the
# results.
@popper = Thread.new { popper }
# The grabber thread collects $stdout and $stderr data from each child
# process and stores them in the corresponding JobInfo.
@grabber = Thread.new { grabber }
# Create a new JobInfo object for the job and push it to the @toRunQueue.
job = JobInfo.new(@jobsIn, block, tag)
# Increase job counter
@lock.synchronize { @jobsIn += 1 }
# Wait for all jobs to complete. The code block will get the JobInfo
# objects for each job to pick up the results.
def wait
# When we have received as many jobs in the @toDropQueue than we have
# started then we're done.
while !@lock.synchronize { @jobsIn == @jobsOut }
if @toDropQueue.empty?
# We have completed jobs.
while !@toDropQueue.empty?
# Pop a job from the @toDropQueue and call the block with it.
job = @toDropQueue.pop
# Remove the job related entries from the housekeeping tables.
@lock.synchronize { @jobsOut += 1 }
# Call the post-processing block that was passed to wait() with
# the JobInfo object as argument.
# Signal threads to stop
@terminate = true
# Wait for treads to finish
# Reset some variables so we can reuse the object for further job runs.
@jobsIn = @jobsOut = 0
@terminate = false
# Make sure all data structures are empty and clean.
# This function runs in a separate thread to pop JobInfo items from the
# @toRunQueue and create child processes for them.
def pusher
# Run until the terminate flag is set.
until @terminate
if @toRunQueue.empty? || @runningJobs.count >= @maxCpuCores
# We have no jobs in the @toRunQueue or all CPU cores in use already.
# Get a new job from the @toRunQueue
job = @toRunQueue.pop
# Add the receiver end of the pipe to the @pipes Array.
@pipes << job.stdoutP
# Map the pipe end to this JobInfo object.
@pipeToJob[job.stdoutP] = job
# Same for $stderr.
@pipes << job.stderrP
@pipeToJob[job.stderrP] = job
@lock.synchronize do
pid = fork do
# This is the child process now. Connect $stdout and $stderr to
# the pipes.
# Call the Ruby code block
retVal = job.block.call
# Send EOT character to mark the end of the text.
$stdout.putc 4
$stderr.putc 4
# Now exit the child process and return the return value of the
# block as process return value.
exit retVal
job.pid = pid
# Save the process ID in the PID to JobInfo hash.
@runningJobs[pid] = job
# This function runs in a separate thread to wait for completed jobs. It
# waits for the process completion and stores the result in the
# corresponding JobInfo object.
def popper
until @terminate
if @runningJobs.empty?
# No pending jobs, wait a bit.
# Wait for the next job to complete.
pid, retVal = Process.wait2
job = nil
@lock.synchronize do
# Get the JobInfo object that corresponds to the process ID.
job = @runningJobs[pid]
raise "Unknown pid #{pid}" if job.nil?
# Remove the job from the @runningJobs Hash.
# Save the return value.
job.retVal = retVal.dup
if retVal.signaled?
# Aborted jobs will probably not send an EOT. So we fastrack
# them to the toDropQueue.
# Push the job into the @spoolingJobs list to wait for it to
# finish writing IO.
@spoolingJobs << job
# This function runs in a separate thread to pick up the $stdout and
# $stderr outputs of the child processes. It stores them in the JobInfo
# object that corresponds to each child process.
def grabber
until @terminate
# Wait for output in any of the pipes or a timeout. To make sure that
# we get all output, we remain in the loop until the select() call
# times out.
res = nil
@lock.synchronize do
if (res = select(@pipes, nil, @pipes, @timeout))
# We have output data from at least one child. Check which pipe
# actually triggered the select.
res[0].each do |pipe|
# Find the corresponding JobInfo object.
job = @pipeToJob[pipe]
# Store the output.
if pipe == job.stdoutP
# Look for the EOT character to signal the end of the text.
if (c = pipe.getc) == ?\004
job.stdoutEOT = true
job.stdout << c
if (c = pipe.getc) == ?\004
job.stderrEOT = true
job.stderr << c
sleep(@timeout) unless res
end while res
# Search the @spoolingJobs list for jobs that have completed IO and
# push them to the @toDropQueue.
@lock.synchronize do
@spoolingJobs.each do |job|
# Both stdout and stderr need to have reached the end of text.
if job.stdoutEOT && job.stderrEOT
# Since we deleted a list item during an iterator run, we
# terminate the iterator.
def cleanPipes(job)
job.stdoutC = job.stderrC = nil
job.stdoutP = job.stderrP = nil
def check
raise "toRunQueue not empty!" unless @toRunQueue.empty?
raise "runningJobs list not empty!" unless @runningJobs.empty?
raise "spoolingJobs list not empty!" unless @spoolingJobs.empty?
raise "toDropQueue not empty!" unless @toDropQueue.empty?
raise "pipe list not empty!" unless @pipes.empty?
raise "pipe map not empty!" unless @pipeToJob.empty?