


Feature #12080 » v2-0001-Enumerable-Array-Range-first-Array-Range-last-wit.patch

rhenium (Kazuki Yamaguchi), 04/12/2016 01:40 PM

View differences:

* call-seq:
* ary.first -> obj or nil
* ary.first(n) -> new_ary
* ary.first -> obj or nil
* ary.first { |obj| block } -> obj or nil
* ary.first(n) -> new_ary
* ary.first(n) { |obj| block } -> new_ary
* Returns the first element, or the first +n+ elements, of the array.
* If the array is empty, the first form returns +nil+, and the
* second form returns an empty array. See also Array#last for
* the opposite effect.
* If the array is empty, the first form returns +nil+, and the second form
* returns an empty array.
* If a block is given, only elements for which the given block returns a true
* value are counted.
* See also Array#last for the opposite effect.
* a = [ "q", "r", "s", "t" ]
* a.first #=> "q"
* a.first(2) #=> ["q", "r"]
* a = [ "q", "r", "s", "t", "aa" ]
* a.first #=> "q"
* a.first(2) #=> ["q", "r"]
* a.first { |i| i.size > 1 } #=> "aa"
static VALUE
rb_ary_first(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
if (argc == 0) {
if (RARRAY_LEN(ary) == 0) return Qnil;
return RARRAY_AREF(ary, 0);
if (!rb_block_given_p()) {
if (argc == 0) {
if (RARRAY_LEN(ary) == 0) return Qnil;
return RARRAY_AREF(ary, 0);
else {
return ary_take_first_or_last(argc, argv, ary, ARY_TAKE_FIRST);
else {
return ary_take_first_or_last(argc, argv, ary, ARY_TAKE_FIRST);
long i;
if (argc == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
if (RTEST(rb_yield(RARRAY_AREF(ary, i))))
return RARRAY_AREF(ary, i);
return Qnil;
else {
long take = NUM2LONG(argv[0]);
VALUE result = rb_ary_new();;
if (take < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "attempt to take negative size");
if (take == 0) return rb_ary_new2(0);
for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
if (RTEST(rb_yield(RARRAY_AREF(ary, i)))) {
rb_ary_push(result, RARRAY_AREF(ary, i));
if (!--take) break;
return result;
* call-seq:
* ary.last -> obj or nil
* ary.last(n) -> new_ary
* ary.last -> obj or nil
* ary.last { |obj| block } -> obj or nil
* ary.last(n) -> new_ary
* ary.last(n) { |obj| block } -> new_ary
* Returns the last element(s) of +self+. If the array is empty,
* the first form returns +nil+.
* Returns the last element(s) of +self+. If the array is empty, the first
* form returns +nil+.
* If a block is given, only elements for which the given block returns a true
* value are counted.
* See also Array#first for the opposite effect.
* a = [ "w", "x", "y", "z" ]
* a.last #=> "z"
* a.last(2) #=> ["y", "z"]
* a = [ "w", "x", "y", "z", "aa" ]
* a.last #=> "aa"
* a.last(2) #=> ["z", "aa"]
* a.last { |i| i.size == 1 } #=> "x"
rb_ary_last(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
if (argc == 0) {
long len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
if (len == 0) return Qnil;
return RARRAY_AREF(ary, len-1);
if (!rb_block_given_p()) {
if (argc == 0) {
long len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
if (len == 0) return Qnil;
return RARRAY_AREF(ary, len-1);
else {
return ary_take_first_or_last(argc, argv, ary, ARY_TAKE_LAST);
else {
return ary_take_first_or_last(argc, argv, ary, ARY_TAKE_LAST);
long i;
if (argc == 0) {
for (i = RARRAY_LEN(ary); --i >= 0; ) {
if (RTEST(rb_yield(RARRAY_AREF(ary, i))))
return RARRAY_AREF(ary, i);
return Qnil;
else {
long take = NUM2LONG(argv[0]);
VALUE result = rb_ary_new();;
if (take < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "attempt to take negative size");
if (take == 0) return rb_ary_new2(0);
for (i = RARRAY_LEN(ary); --i >= 0; ) {
if (RTEST(rb_yield(RARRAY_AREF(ary, i)))) {
rb_ary_push(result, RARRAY_AREF(ary, i));
if (!--take) break;
return rb_ary_reverse(result);
static VALUE
take_find_i(RB_BLOCK_CALL_FUNC_ARGLIST(i, params))
struct MEMO *memo = MEMO_CAST(params);
if (RTEST(rb_yield(i))) {
rb_ary_push(memo->v1, i);
if (!--memo->u3.cnt) rb_iter_break();
return Qnil;
static VALUE enum_take(VALUE obj, VALUE n);
* call-seq:
* enum.first -> obj or nil
* enum.first(n) -> an_array
* enum.first -> obj or nil
* enum.first { |obj| block } -> obj or nil
* enum.first(n) -> an_array
* enum.first(n) { |obj| block } -> an_array
* Returns the first element, or the first +n+ elements, of the enumerable.
* If the enumerable is empty, the first form returns <code>nil</code>, and the
* second form returns an empty array.
* If a block is given, only elements for which the given block returns a true
* value are counted.
* %w[foo bar baz].first #=> "foo"
* %w[foo bar baz].first(2) #=> ["foo", "bar"]
* %w[foo bar baz].first(10) #=> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
* [].first #=> nil
* [].first(10) #=> []
* %w[foo bar baz].first #=> "foo"
* %w[foo bar baz].first(2) #=> ["foo", "bar"]
* %w[foo bar baz].first(10) #=> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
* [].first #=> nil
* [].first(10) #=> []
* [1,2,3,4].first { |i| i.even? } #=> 2
* [1,2,2,2].first(2) { |i| i > 1 } #=> [2, 2]
enum_first(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
struct MEMO *memo;
long len;
rb_check_arity(argc, 0, 1);
if (argc > 0) {
return enum_take(obj, argv[0]);
if (!rb_block_given_p()) return enum_take(obj, argv[0]);
len = NUM2LONG(argv[0]);
if (len < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "attempt to take negative size");
if (len == 0) return rb_ary_new2(0);
memo = MEMO_NEW(rb_ary_new(), 0, len);
rb_block_call(obj, id_each, 0, 0, take_find_i, (VALUE)memo);
return memo->v1;
else {
memo = MEMO_NEW(Qnil, 0, 0);
rb_block_call(obj, id_each, 0, 0, first_i, (VALUE)memo);
rb_block_call(obj, id_each, 0, 0, rb_block_given_p() ? find_i : first_i, (VALUE)memo);
return memo->v1;
* call-seq:
* enum.sort -> array
rb_gc_register_mark_object(VALUE obj)
VALUE ary_ary = GET_THREAD()->vm->mark_object_ary;
VALUE ary = rb_ary_last(0, 0, ary_ary);
VALUE ary = Qnil;
if (RARRAY_LEN(ary_ary))
ary = RARRAY_AREF(ary_ary, RARRAY_LEN(ary_ary) - 1);
if (ary == Qnil || RARRAY_LEN(ary) >= MARK_OBJECT_ARY_BUCKET_SIZE) {
ary = rb_ary_tmp_new(MARK_OBJECT_ARY_BUCKET_SIZE);
* call-seq:
* rng.first -> obj
* rng.first(n) -> an_array
* rng.first -> obj
* rng.first { |obj| block } -> obj
* rng.first(n) -> an_array
* rng.first(n) { |obj| block } -> an_array
* Returns the first object in the range, or an array of the first +n+
* elements.
* If a block is given, only elements for which the given block returns a true
* value are counted.
* (10..20).first #=> 10
* (10..20).first(3) #=> [10, 11, 12]
* (10..20).first #=> 10
* (10..20).first { |i| i.odd? } #=> 11
* (10..20).first(3) #=> [10, 11, 12]
* (10..20).first(3) { |i| i.odd? } #=> [11, 13, 15]
static VALUE
VALUE n, ary[2];
if (rb_block_given_p()) return rb_call_super(argc, argv);
if (argc == 0) return RANGE_BEG(range);
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1", &n);
* call-seq:
* rng.last -> obj
* rng.last(n) -> an_array
* rng.last -> obj
* rng.last { |obj| block } -> obj
* rng.last(n) -> an_array
* rng.last(n) { |obj| block } -> an_array
* Returns the last object in the range,
* or an array of the last +n+ elements.
* Note that with no arguments +last+ will return the object that defines
* the end of the range even if #exclude_end? is +true+.
* (10..20).last #=> 20
* (10...20).last #=> 20
* (10..20).last(3) #=> [18, 19, 20]
* (10...20).last(3) #=> [17, 18, 19]
* If a block is given, only elements for which the given block returns a true
* value are counted.
* Note that with no arguments nor a block +last+ will return the object that
* defines the end of the range even if #exclude_end? is +true+.
* (10..20).last #=> 20
* (10...20).last #=> 20
* (10...20).last { true } #=> 19
* (10..20).last(3) #=> [18, 19, 20]
* (10...20).last(3) #=> [17, 18, 19]
* (10...20).last(3) { |i| i.odd? } #=> [15, 17, 19]
static VALUE
range_last(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range)
if (argc == 0) return RANGE_END(range);
return rb_ary_last(argc, argv, rb_Array(range));
if (argc > 0 || rb_block_given_p()) {
return rb_ary_last(argc, argv, rb_Array(range));
else {
return RANGE_END(range);
def test_first
assert_equal(3, @cls[3, 4, 5].first)
assert_equal(nil, @cls[].first)
assert_equal(2, @cls[1, 2, 3, 4].first { |i| i.even? })
assert_equal(nil, @cls[1, 2, 3, 4].first { |i| i > 100 })
def test_flatten
assert_equal(nil, @cls[].last)
assert_equal(1, @cls[1].last)
assert_equal(99, @cls[*(3..99).to_a].last)
assert_equal(3, @cls[1, 2, 3, 4].last { |i| i.odd? })
assert_equal(nil, @cls[1, 2, 3, 4].last { |i| i > 100 })
def test_length
def test_first2
assert_equal([0], [0].first(2))
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { [0].first(-1) }
assert_equal([2, 4], @cls[1, 2, 4, 6].first(2) { |i| i.even? })
assert_equal([2, 4, 6], @cls[2, 4, 5, 6].first(10) { |i| i.even? })
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @cls[1, 2].first(-1) { |i| i.even? } }
def test_last2
assert_equal([0], [0].last(2))
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { [0].last(-1) }
assert_equal([4, 6], @cls[2, 4, 5, 6].last(2) { |i| i.even? })
assert_equal([2, 4, 6], @cls[2, 4, 5, 6].last(10) { |i| i.even? })
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @cls[1, 2].last(-1) { |i| i.even? } }
def test_shift2
assert_equal([1, 2, 3], @obj.first(3))
assert_equal([], @empty.first(10))
assert_equal(2, @obj.first { |i| i.even? })
assert_equal([3], @obj.first(2) { |i| i > 2 })
bug5801 = '[ruby-dev:45041]'
assert_in_out_err([], <<-'end;', [], /unexpected break/, bug5801)
assert_equal("a", ("a".."c").first)
assert_equal("c", ("a".."c").last)
assert_equal(0, (2..0).last)
assert_equal(1, (0..11).first { |i| i.odd? })
assert_equal(11, (0..11).last { |i| i.odd? })
assert_equal([1, 3], (0..11).first(2) { |i| i.odd? })
assert_equal([9, 11], (0..11).last(2) { |i| i.odd? })
assert_equal([0, 1, 2], (0...10).first(3))
assert_equal([7, 8, 9], (0...10).last(3))
assert_equal("a", ("a"..."c").first)
assert_equal("c", ("a"..."c").last)
assert_equal(0, (2...0).last)
assert_equal(1, (0...11).first { |i| i.odd? })
assert_equal(9, (0...11).last { |i| i.odd? })
assert_equal([1, 3], (0...11).first(2) { |i| i.odd? })
assert_equal([7, 9], (0...11).last(2) { |i| i.odd? })
def test_to_s