


Bug #11762 ยป 11762.patch

colindkelley (Colin Kelley), 12/08/2015 04:02 AM

View differences:

* call-seq:
* ary.dig(idx, ...) -> object
* ary.dig(index, indexes...) -> object
* Extracts the nested array value specified by the sequence of <i>idx</i>
* objects.
* Extracts a nested value by navigating the given +index+
* (and indexes, recursively). This is useful for navigating
* parsed JSON or other nested data. Nested data may be any
* object that implements the +dig+ method.
* a = [[1, [2, 3]]]
* Returns the nested value, or nil if an index/key is not found
* at any level, or if a nested key navigates to an object that
* does not implement +dig+. Does not raise exceptions.
* a.dig(0, 1, 1) #=> 3
* a.dig(0, 0, 0) #=> nil
* ary = [[:A, [:B, {first: "Pat", last: "Jones"}]]
* ary.dig(0, 1, 0) #=> :B
* ary.dig(0, 0, 0) #=> nil
* ary.dig(0, 1, :first) #=> nil
* ary.dig(0, 1, 1, :first) #=> "Pat"
* See Hash#dig for more information.
* call-seq:
* hsh.dig(key, ...) -> object
* hsh.dig(key, keys...) -> object
* Extracts the nested hash value specified by the sequence of <i>key</i>
* objects.
* Extracts a nested value by navigating the given +key+
* (and keys, recursively). This is useful for navigating
* parsed JSON or other nested data. Nested data may be any
* object that implements the +dig+ method.
* h = { foo: {bar: {baz: 1}}}
* Calls the +[]+ operator to look up the key so that
* subclasses may provide their own implementation.
* h.dig(:foo, :bar, :baz) #=> 1
* h.dig(:foo, :zot) #=> nil
* Returns the nested value, or nil if a key is not found
* at any level, or if a nested key navigates to an object that
* does not implement +dig+. Does not raise exceptions.
* == The dig Protocol
* The +dig+ method behaves like this at each level:
* def dig(key, *keys)
* value = self[key] rescue nil
* if keys.empty? || value.nil?
* value
* elsif value.respond_to?(:dig)
* value.dig(*keys)
* else
* nil
* end
* end
* == Example Usage
* Address =, :city, :state, :country)
* hash = {ceo: {name: "Pat", email: ""},
* managers: [
* {name: "Jose", email: ""},
* {name: "Sally", email: ""}
* {name: "Bob", email: ""}
* ],
* office:"9 Oak St", "New York", "NY", "USA")
* }
* hash.dig(:ceo, :name) #=> "Pat"
* hash.dig(:ceo, 0, :email) #=> nil
* hash.dig(:managers, 1, :name) #=> "Sally"
* hash.dig(:managers, :name) #=> nil
* hash.dig(:office, :city) #=> "New York"