


Bug #10155 ยป 0001-proofreading-documentation-for-Shellwords.patch

kjperry (Katelyn Perry), 08/20/2014 02:25 AM

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# === Usage
# You can use shellwords to parse a string into a Bourne shell friendly Array.
# You can use Shellwords to parse a string into a Bourne shell friendly Array.
# require 'shellwords'
# argv = "they all ran after the farmer's wife".shellsplit
# #=> ArgumentError: Unmatched double quote: ...
# In this case, you might want to use Shellwords.escape, or it's alias
# In this case, you might want to use Shellwords.escape, or its alias
# String#shellescape.
# This method will escape the String for you to safely use with a Bourne shell.
# system(argv.shelljoin)
# You can use this method to create an escaped string out of an array of tokens
# separated by a space. In this example we'll use the literal shortcut for
# separated by a space. In this example we used the literal shortcut for
# === Authors
# It is the caller's responsibility to encode the string in the right
# encoding for the shell environment where this string is used.
# Multibyte characters are treated as multibyte characters, not bytes.
# Multibyte characters are treated as multibyte characters, not as bytes.
# Returns an empty quoted String if +str+ has a length of zero.
def shellescape(str)
str = str.dup
# Treat multibyte characters as is. It is caller's responsibility
# Treat multibyte characters as is. It is the caller's responsibility
# to encode the string in the right encoding for the shell
# environment.
str.gsub!(/([^A-Za-z0-9_\-.,:\/@\n])/, "\\\\\\1")
# A LF cannot be escaped with a backslash because a backslash + LF
# combo is regarded as line continuation and simply ignored.
# combo is regarded as a line continuation and simply ignored.
str.gsub!(/\n/, "'\n'")
return str
# Builds a command line string from an argument list, +array+.
# All elements are joined into a single string with fields separated by a
# space, where each element is escaped for Bourne shell and stringified using
# +to_s+.
# space, where each element is escaped for the Bourne shell and stringified
# using +to_s+.
# ary = ["There's", "a", "time", "and", "place", "for", "everything"]
# argv = Shellwords.join(ary)
# array.shelljoin => string
# Builds a command line string from an argument list +array+ joining
# all elements escaped for Bourne shell and separated by a space.
# all elements escaped for the Bourne shell and separated by a space.
# See Shellwords.shelljoin for details.
def shelljoin