


Bug #7326 » time_patch0003.diff

bt (Bernd Homuth), 11/24/2012 07:38 PM

View differences:

* Returns a Time object.
* It is initialized to the current system time if no argument.
* <b>Note:</b> The object created will be created using the
* resolution available on your system clock, and so may include
* fractional seconds.
* It is initialized to the current system time if no argument is given.
* *Note:* The new object will use the resolution available on your
* system clock, and may include fractional seconds.
* If one or more arguments specified, the time is initialized
* to the specified time.
*, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec_with_frac) -> time
*, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, tz) -> time
* Creates a time based on given values, interpreted as UTC (GMT). The
* Creates a Time object based on given values, interpreted as UTC (GMT). The
* year must be specified. Other values default to the minimum value
* for that field (and may be +nil+ or omitted). Months may
* be specified by numbers from 1 to 12, or by the three-letter English
* The lowest digits of #to_f and #nsec are different because
* IEEE 754 double is not accurate enough to represent
* nanoseconds from the Epoch.
* The accurate value is returned by nsec.
* the exact number of nanoseconds since the Epoch.
* The more accurate value is returned by #nsec.
static VALUE
* Returns the fraction for _time_.
* The result is possibly rational.
* The return value can be a rational number.
* t = #=> 2009-03-26 22:33:12 +0900
* "%10.9f" % t.to_f #=> "1238074392.940563917"
* The lowest digits of #to_f and #subsec are different because
* IEEE 754 double is not accurate enough to represent
* the rational.
* The accurate value is returned by subsec.
* the rational number.
* The more accurate value is returned by #subsec.
static VALUE
* call-seq:
* time <=> other_time -> -1, 0, +1 or nil
* Comparison---Compares <i>time</i> with <i>other_time</i>.
* Comparison---Compares _time_ with +other_time+.
* The return value is ++1+ if _time_ is greater than
* +other_time+, +0+ if _time_ is equal to +other_time+ and
* +-1+ if _time_ is smaller than +other_time+.
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:12:12 -0600
* t2 = t + 2592000 #=> 2007-12-19 08:12:12 -0600
* time.inspect -> string
* time.to_s -> string
* Returns a string representing <i>time</i>. Equivalent to calling
* <code>Time#strftime</code> with a format string of
* ``<code>%Y-%m-%d</code> <code>%H:%M:%S</code> <code>%z</code>''
* for a local time and
* ``<code>%Y-%m-%d</code> <code>%H:%M:%S</code> <code>UTC</code>''
* for a UTC time.
* Returns a string representing _time_. Equivalent to calling
* #strftime with the appropriate format string.
* t =
* t.to_s => "2012-11-10 18:16:12 +0100"
* t.strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" => "2012-11-10 18:16:12 +0100"
* #=> "2007-10-05 16:09:51 +0900"
* #=> "2007-10-05 07:09:51 UTC"
* t.utc.to_s => "2012-11-10 17:16:12 UTC"
* t.strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC" => "2012-11-10 17:16:12 UTC"
static VALUE
* time - other_time -> float
* time - numeric -> time
* Difference---Returns a new time that represents the difference
* between two times, or subtracts the given number of seconds in
* <i>numeric</i> from <i>time</i>.
* Difference---Returns a new Time object that represents the difference
* between _time_ and +other_time+, or subtracts the given number
* of seconds in +numeric+ from _time_.
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:23:10 -0600
* t2 = t + 2592000 #=> 2007-12-19 08:23:10 -0600
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:23:57 -0600
* t.succ #=> 2007-11-19 08:23:58 -0600
* Use instead <code>time + 1</code>
* t + 1 #=> 2007-11-19 08:23:58 -0600
* Returns the second of the minute (0..60) for _time_.
* <em>[Yes, seconds range from zero to 60. This allows the system to inject
* leap seconds. See for further
* details.]</em>
* *Note:* Seconds range from zero to 60 to allow the system to inject
* leap seconds. See for further
* details.
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:25:02 -0600
* t.sec #=> 2
* Date (Year, Month, Day):
* %Y - Year with century (can be negative, 4 digits at least)
* -0001, 0000, 1995, 2009, 14292, etc.
* %C - year / 100 (round down. 20 in 2009)
* %C - year / 100 (rounded down such as 20 in 2009)
* %y - year % 100 (00..99)
* %m - Month of the year, zero-padded (01..12)
* %T - 24-hour time (%H:%M:%S)
* This method is similar to strftime() function defined in ISO C and POSIX.
* Several directives (%a, %A, %b, %B, %c, %p, %r, %x, %X, %E*, %O* and %Z)
* are locale dependent in the function.
* However this method is locale independent since Ruby 1.9.
* (%Z is platform dependent, though.)
* So, the result may differ even if a same format string is used in other
* While all directives are locale independant since Ruby 1.9 %Z is platform
* dependant.
* So, the result may differ even if the same format string is used in other
* systems such as C.
* It is good practice to avoid %x and %X because there are corresponding
* locale independent representations, %D and %T.
* %z is recommended over %Z.
* %Z doesn't identify the timezone.
* For example, "CST" is used at America/Chicago (-06:00),
* America/Havana (-05:00), Asia/Harbin (+08:00), Australia/Darwin (+09:30)
* and Australia/Adelaide (+10:30).
* Also, %Z is highly dependent for OS.
* Also, %Z is highly dependent on the operating system.
* For example, it may generate a non ASCII string on Japanese Windows.
* i.e. the result can be different to "JST".
* So the numeric time zone offset, %z, is recommended.
* Time is an abstraction of dates and times. Time is stored internally as
* the number of seconds with fraction since the _Epoch_, January 1, 1970
* 00:00 UTC. Also see the library modules Date. The Time class treats GMT
* 00:00 UTC. Also see the library module Date. The Time class treats GMT
* (Greenwich Mean Time) and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) as equivalent.
* GMT is the older way of referring to these baseline times but persists in
* the names of calls on POSIX systems.
* Bignum or Rational.
* The integer is a number of nanoseconds since the _Epoch_ which can
* represent 1823-11-12 to 2116-02-20.
* When Bignum or Rational is used (before 1823, after 2116, under nanosecond),
* Time works slower than the integer is used.
* When Bignum or Rational is used (before 1823, after 2116, under
* nanosecond), Time works slower as when integer is used.
* = Examples
* current system time. Time::now is an alias for this. You can also
* pass parts of the time to Time::new such as year, month, minute, etc. When
* you want to construct a time this way you must pass at least a year. If you
* pass the year with nothing else time with default to January 1 of that year
* pass the year with nothing else time will default to January 1 of that year
* at 00:00:00 with the current system timezone. Here are some examples:
* #=> 2002-01-01 00:00:00 -0500
*, 10, 31) #=> 2002-10-31 00:00:00 -0500
*, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2, "+02:00") #=> 2002-10-31 02:02:02 -0200
* You can also use #gm, #local and #utc to infer GMT, local and UTC
* timezones instead of using the current system setting.
* You can also use #gm, #local and
* #utc to infer GMT, local and UTC timezones instead of using
* the current system setting.
* You can also create a new time using Time::at which takes the number of
* seconds (or fraction of seconds) since the {Unix