Bug #5192 » ruby_doc_updates-20110812-fiddle_vbatts.patch
ext/fiddle/closure.c | ||
* Document-class: Fiddle::Closure
* == Description
* An FFI closure wrapper, for handling callbacks.
* == Example
* closure = Class.new(Fiddle::Closure) {
* def call
* 10
* end
* }.new(Fiddle::TYPE_INT, [])
* => #<#<Class:0x0000000150d308>:0x0000000150d240>
* func = Fiddle::Function.new(closure, [], Fiddle::TYPE_INT)
* => #<Fiddle::Function:0x00000001516e58>
* func.call
* => 10
* XXX This is not being grabbed :(
* https://github.com/rdoc/rdoc/issues/59
cFiddleClosure = rb_define_class_under(mFiddle, "Closure", rb_cObject);
rb_define_alloc_func(cFiddleClosure, allocate);
* Document-method: new
* call-seq: new(ret, *args, abi = Fiddle::DEFAULT)
* Construct a new Closure object.
* * +ret+ is the C type to be returned
* * +args+ are passed the callback
* * +abi+ the abi of FFI
* If there is an error in preparing the ffi_cif or ffi_prep_closure,
* then a RuntimeError will be raised.
* XXX This is not being grabbed :(
* https://github.com/rdoc/rdoc/issues/59
rb_define_method(cFiddleClosure, "initialize", initialize, -1);
* Document-method: to_i
* Returns the memory address for this closure
* XXX This is not being grabbed :(
* https://github.com/rdoc/rdoc/issues/59
rb_define_method(cFiddleClosure, "to_i", to_i, 0);
/* vim: set noet sw=4 sts=4 */
ext/fiddle/fiddle.c | ||
void Init_fiddle()
* Document-module: Fiddle
* == Description
* A libffi wrapper.
mFiddle = rb_define_module("Fiddle");
/* Document-const: TYPE_VOID
* C type - void
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_VOID", INT2NUM(TYPE_VOID));
/* Document-const: TYPE_VOIDP
* C type - void*
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_VOIDP", INT2NUM(TYPE_VOIDP));
/* Document-const: TYPE_CHAR
* C type - char
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_CHAR", INT2NUM(TYPE_CHAR));
/* Document-const: TYPE_SHORT
* C type - short
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_SHORT", INT2NUM(TYPE_SHORT));
/* Document-const: TYPE_INT
* C type - int
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_INT", INT2NUM(TYPE_INT));
/* Document-const: TYPE_LONG
* C type - long
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_LONG", INT2NUM(TYPE_LONG));
/* Document-const: TYPE_LONG_LONG
* C type - long long
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_LONG_LONG", INT2NUM(TYPE_LONG_LONG));
/* Document-const: TYPE_FLOAT
* C type - float
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_FLOAT", INT2NUM(TYPE_FLOAT));
/* Document-const: TYPE_DOUBLE
* C type - double
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "TYPE_DOUBLE", INT2NUM(TYPE_DOUBLE));
/* Document-const: WINDOWS
* Returns a boolean regarding whether the host is WIN32
#if defined(_WIN32)
rb_define_const(mFiddle, "WINDOWS", Qtrue);
ext/fiddle/function.c | ||
* Document-class: Fiddle::Function
* == Description
* A representation of a C function
* == Examples
* === 'strcpy'
* @libc = DL.dlopen "/lib/libc.so.6"
* => #<DL::Handle:0x00000001d7a8d8>
* f = Fiddle::Function.new(@libc['strcpy'], [TYPE_VOIDP, TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOIDP)
* => #<Fiddle::Function:0x00000001d8ee00>
* buff = "000"
* => "000"
* str = f.call(buff, "123")
* => #<DL::CPtr:0x00000001d0c380 ptr=0x000000018a21b8 size=0 free=0x00000000000000>
* str.to_s
* => "123"
* === ABI check
* @libc = DL.dlopen "/lib/libc.so.6"
* => #<DL::Handle:0x00000001d7a8d8>
* f = Fiddle::Function.new(@libc['strcpy'], [TYPE_VOIDP, TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOIDP)
* => #<Fiddle::Function:0x00000001d8ee00>
* f.abi == Fiddle::Function::DEFAULT
* => true
cFiddleFunction = rb_define_class_under(mFiddle, "Function", rb_cObject);
* Document-const: DEFAULT
* Default ABI
rb_define_const(cFiddleFunction, "DEFAULT", INT2NUM(FFI_DEFAULT_ABI));
* Document-const: STDCALL
* FFI implementation of WIN32 stdcall convention
rb_define_const(cFiddleFunction, "STDCALL", INT2NUM(FFI_STDCALL));
rb_define_alloc_func(cFiddleFunction, allocate);
* Document-method: call
* Calls the constructed Function, with +args+
* For an example see Fiddle::Function
rb_define_method(cFiddleFunction, "call", function_call, -1);
* Document-method: new
* call-seq: new(ptr, *args, ret_type, abi = DEFAULT)
* Constructs a Function object.
* * +ptr+ is a referenced function, of a DL::Handle
* * +args+ is an Array of arguments, passed to the +ptr+ function
* * +ret_type+ is the return type of the function
* * +abi+ is the ABI of the function
rb_define_method(cFiddleFunction, "initialize", initialize, -1);
/* vim: set noet sws=4 sw=4: */
ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle.rb | ||
require 'dl' unless Object.const_defined?(:DL)
module Fiddle
# A reference to DL::CPtr
Pointer = DL::CPtr
# returns the the last +Error+ of the current executing +Thread+, or nil if none
def self.win32_last_error
# a setter for the for the last +Error+ of the current executing +Thread+
def self.win32_last_error= error
Thread.current[:__FIDDLE_WIN32_LAST_ERROR__] = error
# returns the the last +Error+ of the current executing +Thread+, or nil if none
def self.last_error
# a setter for the for the last +Error+ of the current executing +Thread+
def self.last_error= error
Thread.current[:__DL2_LAST_ERROR__] = error
Thread.current[:__FIDDLE_LAST_ERROR__] = error
ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/closure.rb | ||
module Fiddle
# == Description
# An FFI closure wrapper, for handling callbacks.
# == Example
# closure = Class.new(Fiddle::Closure) {
# def call
# 10
# end
# }.new(Fiddle::TYPE_INT, [])
# => #<#<Class:0x0000000150d308>:0x0000000150d240>
# func = Fiddle::Function.new(closure, [], Fiddle::TYPE_INT)
# => #<Fiddle::Function:0x00000001516e58>
# func.call
# => 10
# FIXME The documentation in closure.c is not being grabbed
# https://github.com/rdoc/rdoc/issues/59
class Closure
# the C type of the return of the FFI closure
attr_reader :ctype
# arguments of the FFI closure
attr_reader :args
# Extends Fiddle::Closure to allow for building the closure in a &block
class BlockCaller < Fiddle::Closure
# == Description
# Construct a new Closure object.
# * +ret+ is the C type to be returned
# * +args+ are passed the callback
# * +abi+ the abi of FFI
# If there is an error in preparing the ffi_cif or ffi_prep_closure,
# then a RuntimeError will be raised.
# == Example
# include Fiddle
# cb = Closure::BlockCaller.new(TYPE_INT, [TYPE_INT]) do |one|
# one
# end
# func = Function.new(cb, [TYPE_INT], TYPE_INT)
def initialize ctype, args, abi = Fiddle::Function::DEFAULT, &block
super(ctype, args, abi)
@block = block
# Calls the constructed BlockCaller, with +args+
# For an example see Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new
def call *args
ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/function.rb | ||
module Fiddle
class Function
# The ABI of the Function.
attr_reader :abi