


Bug #4755 ยป 0001-timeout-docs.patch

davetron5000 (David Copeland), 05/22/2011 04:26 AM

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# = timeout.rb
# execution timeout
# Timeout long-running
# = Synopsis
# == Synopsis
# require 'timeout'
# status = Timeout::timeout(5) {
# # Something that should be interrupted if it takes too much time...
# # Something that should be interrupted if it takes more than 5 seconds...
# }
# = Description
# == Description
# A way of performing a potentially long-running operation in a thread, and terminating
# it's execution if it hasn't finished by a fixed amount of time.
# Timeout provides a way to auto-terminate a potentially long-running
# operation if it hasn't finished in a fixed amount of time.
# Previous versions of timeout didn't provide use a module for namespace. This version
# provides both Timeout.timeout, and a backwards-compatible #timeout.
# Previous versions didn't use a module for namespacing, however
# #timeout is provided for backwards compatibility. You
# should prefer Timeout#timeout instead.
# = Copyright
# == Copyright
# Copyright:: (C) 2000 Network Applied Communication Laboratory, Inc.
# Copyright:: (C) 2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
CALLER_OFFSET = ((c = caller[0]) && THIS_FILE =~ c) ? 1 : 0
# :startdoc:
# Executes the method's block. If the block execution terminates before
# +sec+ seconds has passed, it returns the result value of the block.
# If not, it terminates the execution and raises +exception+ (which defaults
# to Timeout::Error).
# Perform an operation in a block, timing it out if it takes longer
# than +sec+ seconds to complete.
# Note that this is both a method of module Timeout, so you can 'include Timeout'
# into your classes so they have a #timeout method, as well as a module method,
# so you can call it directly as Timeout.timeout().
# +sec+:: number of seconds to wait for the block to terminate
# +klass+:: Exception Class to raise if the block fails to terminate
# in +sec+ seconds. Omitting will use the default, Timeout::Error
# The block will be executed on another thread and
# will be given one argument: +sec+.
# Returns the result of the block *if* the block completed before
# +sec+ seconds, otherwise throws an exception, based on the value of +klass+.
def timeout(sec, klass = nil) #:yield: +sec+
return yield(sec) if sec == nil or
exception = klass ||
# Timeout::timeout(n, e, &block).
# Defined for backwards compatibility with earlier versions of timeout.rb, see
# Timeout#timeout.
# This method is deprecated and provided only for backwards compatibility.
# You should use Timeout#timeout instead.
def timeout(n, e = nil, &block)
Timeout::timeout(n, e, &block)