


Bug #4695 ยป ruby_doc_updates-20110513-2043_vbatts.patch

vbatts (Vincent Batts), 05/14/2011 03:17 PM

View differences:

static VALUE rb_gzreader_readlines(int, VALUE*, VALUE);
#endif /* GZIP_SUPPORT */
* Document-module: Zlib
* == Overview
* Access to the zlib library.
* == Class tree
* - Zlib::Deflate
* - Zlib::Inflate
* - Zlib::ZStream
* - Zlib::Error
* - Zlib::StreamEnd
* - Zlib::NeedDict
* - Zlib::DataError
* - Zlib::StreamError
* - Zlib::MemError
* - Zlib::BufError
* - Zlib::VersionError
* (if you have GZIP_SUPPORT)
* - Zlib::GzipReader
* - Zlib::GzipWriter
* - Zlib::GzipFile
* - Zlib::GzipFile::Error
* - Zlib::GzipFile::LengthError
* - Zlib::GzipFile::CRCError
* - Zlib::GzipFile::NoFooter
* see also zlib.h
void Init_zlib(void);
/*--------- Exceptions --------*/
/*-------- module Zlib --------*/
* Document-method: Zlib.zlib_version
* Returns the string which represents the version of zlib library.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib.adler32
* call-seq: Zlib.adler32(string, adler)
* Calculates Adler-32 checksum for +string+, and returns updated value of
* Document-method: Zlib.adler32_combine
* call-seq: Zlib.adler32_combine(adler1, adler2, len2)
* Combine two Adler-32 check values in to one. +alder1+ is the first Adler-32
* Document-method: Zlib.crc32
* call-seq: Zlib.crc32(string, adler)
* Calculates CRC checksum for +string+, and returns updated value of +crc+. If
* Document-method: Zlib.crc32_combine
* call-seq: Zlib.crc32_combine(crc1, crc2, len2)
* Combine two CRC-32 check values in to one. +crc1+ is the first CRC-32
* Document-method: Zlib.crc_table
* Returns the table for calculating CRC checksum as an array.
static VALUE
* Guesses the type of the data which have been inputed into the stream. The
* returned value is either <tt>Zlib::BINARY</tt>, <tt>Zlib::ASCII</tt>, or
* <tt>Zlib::UNKNOWN</tt>.
* returned value is either <tt>BINARY</tt>, <tt>ASCII</tt>, or
* <tt>UNKNOWN</tt>.
static VALUE
rb_zstream_data_type(VALUE obj)
* Document-class: Zlib::Deflate
* Zlib::Deflate is the class for compressing data. See Zlib::Stream for more
* Zlib::Deflate is the class for compressing data. See Zlib::ZStream for more
* information.
* Document-method:
* call-seq:, windowBits=nil, memlevel=nil, strategy=nil)
* == Arguments
* +level+::
* An Integer compression level between
* +windowBits+::
* An Integer for the windowBits size. Should be
* in the range 8..15, larger values of this parameter
* result in better at the expense of memory usage.
* +memlevel+::
* Specifies how much memory should be allocated for
* the internal compression state.
* +strategy+::
* A parameter to tune the compression algorithm. Use the
* DEFAULT_STRATEGY for normal data, FILTERED for data produced by a
* filter (or predictor), HUFFMAN_ONLY to force Huffman encoding only (no
* string match).
* == Description
* Creates a new deflate stream for compression. See zlib.h for details of
* each argument. If an argument is nil, the default value of that argument is
* used.
* TODO: document better!
* == examples
* === basic
* f ="compressed.file","w+")
* #=> #<File:compressed.file>
* f <<"big.file"))
* #=> #<File:compressed.file>
* f.close
* #=> nil
* === a little more robust
* compressed_file ="compressed.file", "w+")
* #=> #<File:compressed.file>
* zd =, 15, Zlib::MAX_MEM_LEVEL, Zlib::HUFFMAN_ONLY)
* #=> #<Zlib::Deflate:0x000000008610a0>
* compressed_file << zd.deflate("big.file"))
* #=> "\xD4z\xC6\xDE\b\xA1K\x1Ej\x8A ..."
* compressed_file.close
* #=> nil
* zd.close
* #=> nil
* (while this example will work, for best optimization the flags need to be reviewed for your specific function)
static VALUE
rb_deflate_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* Document-method: Zlib::Deflate#initialize_copy
* Duplicates the deflate stream.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::Deflate.deflate
* call-seq: Zlib.deflate(string[, level])
* Zlib::Deflate.deflate(string[, level])
* Compresses the given +string+. Valid values of level are
* <tt>Zlib::NO_COMPRESSION</tt>, <tt>Zlib::BEST_SPEED</tt>,
* <tt>Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION</tt>, <tt>Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION</tt>, and an
* <tt>NO_COMPRESSION</tt>, <tt>BEST_SPEED</tt>,
* integer from 0 to 9 (the default is 6).
* This method is almost equivalent to the following code:
* def deflate(string, level)
* z =
* dst = z.deflate(string, Zlib::FINISH)
* dst = z.deflate(string, Zlib::NO_FLUSH)
* z.close
* dst
* end
* Document-method: Zlib.deflate
* call-seq: deflate(string[, flush])
* == Arguments
* +string+::
* String
* +flush+::
* Integer representing a flush code. Either NO_FLUSH,
* SYNC_FLUSH, FULL_FLUSH, or FINISH. See zlib.h for details.
* Normally the parameter flush is set to Z_NO_FLUSH, which allows deflate to
* decide how much data to accumualte before producing output, in order to
* maximize compression.
* == Description
* Inputs +string+ into the deflate stream and returns the output from the
* stream. On calling this method, both the input and the output buffers of
* the stream are flushed. If +string+ is nil, this method finishes the
* the stream are flushed.
* If +string+ is nil, this method finishes the
* stream, just like Zlib::ZStream#finish.
* The value of +flush+ should be either <tt>Zlib::NO_FLUSH</tt>,
* <tt>Zlib::SYNC_FLUSH</tt>, <tt>Zlib::FULL_FLUSH</tt>, or
* <tt>Zlib::FINISH</tt>. See zlib.h for details.
* == Usage
* comp = Zlib.deflate("big.file"))
* or
* comp = Zlib.deflate("big.file"), Zlib::FULL_FLUSH)
* TODO: document better!
static VALUE
rb_deflate_deflate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* Document-method: Zlib::Deflate.<<
* call-seq: << string
* Inputs +string+ into the deflate stream just like Zlib::Deflate#deflate, but
* Document-method: Zlib::Deflate#flush
* call-seq: flush(flush)
* This method is equivalent to <tt>deflate('', flush)</tt>. If flush is omitted,
* <tt>Zlib::SYNC_FLUSH</tt> is used as flush. This method is just provided
* <tt>SYNC_FLUSH</tt> is used as flush. This method is just provided
* to improve the readability of your Ruby program.
* TODO: document better!
* Please visit your zlib.h for a deeper detail on NO_FLUSH, SYNC_FLUSH, FULL_FLUSH, and FINISH
static VALUE
rb_deflate_flush(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* Document-method: Zlib::Deflate.params
* call-seq: params(level, strategy)
* Changes the parameters of the deflate stream. See zlib.h for details. The
* output from the stream by changing the params is preserved in output
* buffer.
* TODO: document better!
* +level+::
* An Integer compression level between
* +strategy+::
* A parameter to tune the compression algorithm. Use the
* DEFAULT_STRATEGY for normal data, FILTERED for data produced by a
* filter (or predictor), HUFFMAN_ONLY to force Huffman encoding only (no
* string match).
static VALUE
rb_deflate_params(VALUE obj, VALUE v_level, VALUE v_strategy)
* Document-method: Zlib::Deflate.set_dictionary
* call-seq: set_dictionary(string)
* Sets the preset dictionary and returns +string+. This method is available
* just only after or Zlib::ZStream#reset method was called.
* See zlib.h for details.
* TODO: document better!
* Can raise errors of Z_STREAM_ERROR if a parameter is invalid (such as
* NULL dictionary) or the stream state is inconsistent, Z_DATA_ERROR if
* the given dictionary doesn't match the expected one (incorrect adler32 value)
static VALUE
rb_deflate_set_dictionary(VALUE obj, VALUE dic)
* Document-method:
* call-seq:
* == Arguments
* +windowBits+::
* An Integer for the windowBits size. Should be
* in the range 8..15, larger values of this parameter
* result in better at the expense of memory usage.
* == Description
* Creates a new inflate stream for decompression. See zlib.h for details
* of the argument. If +window_bits+ is +nil+, the default value is used.
* TODO: document better!
* == Example
* cf ="compressed.file")
* ucf ="uncompressed.file", "w+")
* zi =
* ucf << zi.inflate(
* ucf.close
* zi.close
* cf.close
* or
*"compressed.file") {|cf|
* zi =
*"uncompressed.file", "w+") {|ucf|
* ucf << zi.inflate(
* }
* zi.close
* }
static VALUE
rb_inflate_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* call-seq: Zlib.inflate(string)
* Zlib::Inflate.inflate(string)
* Document-method: Zlib::Inflate.inflate
* call-seq: Zlib::Inflate.inflate(string)
* Decompresses +string+. Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset
* dictionary is needed for decompression.
* Document-method: Zlib::Inflate#inflate
* call-seq: inflate(string)
* Inputs +string+ into the inflate stream and returns the output from the
* decompress. Set the dictionary by Zlib::Inflate#set_dictionary and then
* call this method again with an empty string. (<i>???</i>)
* TODO: document better!
* See also
static VALUE
rb_inflate_inflate(VALUE obj, VALUE src)
* Document-method: Zlib::Inflate#set_dictionary
* Sets the preset dictionary and returns +string+. This method is available just
* only after a Zlib::NeedDict exception was raised. See zlib.h for details.
* TODO: document better!
static VALUE
rb_inflate_set_dictionary(VALUE obj, VALUE dic)
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile::Error#inspect
* Constructs a String of the GzipFile Error
static VALUE
gzfile_error_inspect(VALUE error)
* Zlib::GzipReader for reading, and Zlib::GzipWriter for writing.
* GzipReader should be used by associating an IO, or IO-like, object.
* == Method Catalogue
* - wrap
* - open
* - #close
* - #closed?
* - #comment
* - #comment=
* - #crc
* - #eof?
* - #finish
* - #level
* - #lineno
* - #lineno=
* - #mtime
* - #mtime=
* - #orig_name
* - #orig_name=
* - #os_code
* - #path
* - #sync
* - #sync=
* - #to_io
* - #total_in
* - #total_out
* (due to internal sturcture, documentation may appear under
* Zlib::GzipReader or Zlib::GzipWriter )
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile.wrap
* call-seq: Zlib::GzipFile.wrap(io) { |gz| ... }
* Creates a GzipFile object associated with +io+, and
* Document-method:
* See Zlib::GzipReader#open and Zlib::GzipWriter#open.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#to_io
* Same as IO.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#crc
* Returns CRC value of the uncompressed data.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#mtime
* Returns last modification time recorded in the gzip file header.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#level
* Returns compression level.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#os_code
* Returns OS code number recorded in the gzip file header.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#orig_name
* Returns original filename recorded in the gzip file header, or +nil+ if
* original filename is not present.
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#comment
* Returns comments recorded in the gzip file header, or nil if the comments
* is not present.
* ???
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#lineno
* The line number of the last row read from this file.
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_lineno(VALUE obj)
* ???
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#set_lineno
* Specify line number of the last row read from this file.
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_set_lineno(VALUE obj, VALUE lineno)
* ???
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#set_mtime
* Specify the modification time (+mtime+) in the gzip header.
* Using a Fixnum or Integer
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_set_mtime(VALUE obj, VALUE mtime)
* ???
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#set_orig_name
* Specify the original name (+str+) in the gzip header.
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_set_orig_name(VALUE obj, VALUE str)
* ???
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#set_comment
* Specify the comment (+str+) in the gzip header.
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_set_comment(VALUE obj, VALUE str)
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#close
* Closes the GzipFile object. This method calls close method of the
* associated IO object. Returns the associated IO object.
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#finish
* Closes the GzipFile object. Unlike Zlib::GzipFile#close, this method never
* calls the close method of the associated IO object. Returns the associated IO
* object.
* Same as IO.
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#closed?
* Same as IO#closed?
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_closed_p(VALUE obj)
* ???
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#eof?
* Returns +true+ or +false+ whether the stream has reached the end.
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_eof_p(VALUE obj)
* Same as IO.
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#sync
* Same as IO#sync
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_sync(VALUE obj)
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#set_sync
* call-seq: sync = flag
* Same as IO. If flag is +true+, the associated IO object must respond to the
* ???
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#total_in
* Total number of input bytes read so far.
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_total_in(VALUE obj)
* ???
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#total_out
* Total number of output bytes output so far.
static VALUE
rb_gzfile_total_out(VALUE obj)
* Document-method: path
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipFile#path
* call-seq: path
* gz.close
* end
* # TODO: test these. Are they equivalent? Can take a
* # block?
* == Method Catalogue
* The following methods in Zlib::GzipReader are just like their counterparts
* Document-method:
* call-seq: {|gz| ... }
* Opens a file specified by +filename+ as a gzipped file, and returns a
* Document-method:
* call-seq:
* Creates a GzipReader object associated with +io+. The GzipReader object reads
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#rewind
* Resets the position of the file pointer to the point created the GzipReader
* object. The associated IO object needs to respond to the +seek+ method.
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#unused
* Returns the rest of the data which had read for parsing gzip format, or
* +nil+ if the whole gzip file is not parsed yet.
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#read
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#readpartial
* call-seq:
* gzipreader.readpartial(maxlen [, outbuf]) => string, outbuf
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#getc
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#readchar
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#getbyte
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#readbyte
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#each_char
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#each_byte
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#ungetc
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#ungetbyte
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#gets
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#readline
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#each
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-method: Zlib::GzipReader#readlines
* See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.
static VALUE
* Document-module: Zlib
* The Zlib module contains several classes for compressing and decompressing
* streams, and for working with "gzip" files.
rb_define_module_function(mZlib, "crc32_combine", rb_zlib_crc32_combine, 3);
rb_define_module_function(mZlib, "crc_table", rb_zlib_crc_table, 0);
/* The Ruby/zlib version string. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "VERSION", rb_str_new2(RUBY_ZLIB_VERSION));
/* The string which represents the version of zlib.h */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "ZLIB_VERSION", rb_str_new2(ZLIB_VERSION));
cZStream = rb_define_class_under(mZlib, "ZStream", rb_cObject);
rb_define_method(cZStream, "flush_next_in", rb_zstream_flush_next_in, 0);
rb_define_method(cZStream, "flush_next_out", rb_zstream_flush_next_out, 0);
/* Integer representing date types which
* ZStream#data_type method returns */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "BINARY", INT2FIX(Z_BINARY));
/* Integer representing date types which
* ZStream#data_type method returns */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "ASCII", INT2FIX(Z_ASCII));
/* Integer representing date types which
* ZStream#data_type method returns */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "UNKNOWN", INT2FIX(Z_UNKNOWN));
cDeflate = rb_define_class_under(mZlib, "Deflate", cZStream);
rb_define_method(cInflate, "sync_point?", rb_inflate_sync_point_p, 0);
rb_define_method(cInflate, "set_dictionary", rb_inflate_set_dictionary, 1);
/* compression level 0
* Which is an argument for, Deflate#deflate, and so on. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "NO_COMPRESSION", INT2FIX(Z_NO_COMPRESSION));
/* compression level 1
* Which is an argument for, Deflate#deflate, and so on. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "BEST_SPEED", INT2FIX(Z_BEST_SPEED));
/* compression level 9
* Which is an argument for, Deflate#deflate, and so on. */
/* compression level -1
* Which is an argument for, Deflate#deflate, and so on. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "DEFAULT_COMPRESSION",
/* compression method 1
* Which is an argument for and Deflate#params. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "FILTERED", INT2FIX(Z_FILTERED));
/* compression method 2
* Which is an argument for and Deflate#params. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "HUFFMAN_ONLY", INT2FIX(Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY));
/* compression method 0
* Which is an argument for and Deflate#params. */
/* The default value of windowBits which is an argument for
* and
rb_define_const(mZlib, "MAX_WBITS", INT2FIX(MAX_WBITS));
/* Default value is 8
* The integer representing memory levels.
* Which are an argument for, Deflate#params, and so on. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "DEF_MEM_LEVEL", INT2FIX(DEF_MEM_LEVEL));
/* Maximum level is 9
* The integers representing memory levels which are an argument for
*, Deflate#params, and so on. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "MAX_MEM_LEVEL", INT2FIX(MAX_MEM_LEVEL));
/* Output control - 0
* The integers to control the output of the deflate stream, which are
* an argument for Deflate#deflate and so on. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "NO_FLUSH", INT2FIX(Z_NO_FLUSH));
/* Output control - 2
* The integers to control the output of the deflate stream, which are
* an argument for Deflate#deflate and so on. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "SYNC_FLUSH", INT2FIX(Z_SYNC_FLUSH));
/* Output control - 3
* The integers to control the output of the deflate stream, which are
* an argument for Deflate#deflate and so on. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "FULL_FLUSH", INT2FIX(Z_FULL_FLUSH));
/* Oputput control - 4
* The integers to control the output of the deflate stream, which are
* an argument for Deflate#deflate and so on. */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "FINISH", INT2FIX(Z_FINISH));
cGzipFile = rb_define_class_under(mZlib, "GzipFile", rb_cObject);
cGzError = rb_define_class_under(cGzipFile, "Error", cZError);
/* ??? */
rb_define_attr(cGzError, "input", 1, 0);
rb_define_method(cGzError, "inspect", gzfile_error_inspect, 0);
rb_define_method(cGzipReader, "lines", rb_gzreader_each, -1);
rb_define_method(cGzipReader, "readlines", rb_gzreader_readlines, -1);
/* From GzipFile#os_code - code of current host */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_CODE", INT2FIX(OS_CODE));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x00 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_MSDOS", INT2FIX(OS_MSDOS));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x01 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_AMIGA", INT2FIX(OS_AMIGA));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x02 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_VMS", INT2FIX(OS_VMS));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x03 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_UNIX", INT2FIX(OS_UNIX));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x05 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_ATARI", INT2FIX(OS_ATARI));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x06 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_OS2", INT2FIX(OS_OS2));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x07 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_MACOS", INT2FIX(OS_MACOS));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x0a */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_TOPS20", INT2FIX(OS_TOPS20));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x0b */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_WIN32", INT2FIX(OS_WIN32));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x04 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_VMCMS", INT2FIX(OS_VMCMS));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x08 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_ZSYSTEM", INT2FIX(OS_ZSYSTEM));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x09 */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_CPM", INT2FIX(OS_CPM));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x0c */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_QDOS", INT2FIX(OS_QDOS));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0x0d */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_RISCOS", INT2FIX(OS_RISCOS));
/* From GzipFile#os_code - 0xff */
rb_define_const(mZlib, "OS_UNKNOWN", INT2FIX(OS_UNKNOWN));
#endif /* GZIP_SUPPORT */
* Document-class: Zlib::StreamEnd
* Subclass of Zlib::Error
* When zlib returns a Z_STREAM_END
* is return if the end of the compressed data has been reached
* and all uncompressed out put has been produced.
* Document-class: Zlib::NeedDict
* Subclass of Zlib::Error
* When zlib returns a Z_NEED_DICT
* if a preset dictionary is needed at this point.
* Used by Zlib::Inflate.inflate and <tt>Zlib.inflate</tt>
* Document-class: Zlib::VersionError
* Subclass of Zlib::Error
* When zlib returns a Z_VERSION_ERROR,
* usually if the zlib library version is incompatible with the
* version assumed by the caller.
* Document-class: Zlib::MemError
* Subclass of Zlib::Error
* When zlib returns a Z_MEM_ERROR,
* usually if there was not enough memory.
* Document-class: Zlib::StreamError
* Subclass of Zlib::Error
* When zlib returns a Z_STREAM_ERROR,
* usually if the stream state was inconsistent.
* Document-class: Zlib::BufError
* Subclass of Zlib::Error when zlib returns a Z_BUF_ERROR.
* Usually if no progress is possible.
* Document-class: Zlib::DataError
* Subclass of Zlib::Error when zlib returns a Z_DATA_ERROR.
* Usually if a stream was prematurely freed.
* Document-class: Zlib::GzipFile::Error
* Base class of errors that occur when processing GZIP files.