


Bug #4091 ยป ruby.1.diff

gunn (Arthur Gunn), 11/27/2010 10:40 AM

View differences:

If you want a language for easy object-oriented programming, or you
don't like the Perl ugliness, or you do like the concept of LISP, but
don't like too much parentheses, Ruby may be the language of your
don't like too many parentheses, Ruby might be your language of
Ruby's features are as follows:
.It Sy "No declaration needed"
You can use variables in your Ruby programs without any declarations.
Variable names denote their scope, local, global, instance, etc.
Variable names denote their scope - global, class, instance, or local.
.It Sy "Simple syntax"
Ruby has a simple syntax influenced slightly from Eiffel.
built into the interpreter.
.It Sy "Everything is an object"
Ruby is the purely object-oriented language, and was so since its
Ruby is a purely object-oriented language, and was so since its
creation. Even such basic data as integers are seen as objects.
.It Sy "Class, inheritance, and methods"
Of course, as an object-oriented language, Ruby has such basic
Being an object-oriented language, Ruby naturally has basic
features like classes, inheritance, and methods.
.It Sy "Singleton methods"
.It Sy "Mix-in by modules"
Ruby intentionally does not have the multiple inheritance as it is a
source of confusion. Instead, Ruby has the ability to share
implementations across the inheritance tree. This is often called
implementations across the inheritance tree. This is often called a
.Sq Mix-in .
.It Sy "Iterators"
.It Sy "Closures"
In Ruby, you can objectify the procedure.
.It Sy "Text processing and regular expression"
.It Sy "Text processing and regular expressions"
Ruby has a bunch of text processing features like in Perl.
.It Sy "M17N, character set independent"
With built-in bignums, you can for example calculate factorial(400).
.It Sy "Reflection and domain specific languages"
Class is also an instance of Class class. Definition of classes and methods
is just an expression as 1+1 is. So your programs can even write and modify programs.
Class is also an instance of the Class class. Definition of classes and methods
is an expression just as 1+1 is. So your programs can even write and modify programs.
Thus you can write your application in your own programming language on top of Ruby.
.It Sy "Exception handling"
Turns on taint checks at the specified level (default 1).
.It Fl U
Sets the defalut value for internal encodings
Sets the default value for internal encodings
.Pf ( Li "Encoding.default_internal" ) to UTF-8.
.It Fl W Ns Op Ar level=2
.It Fl e Ar command
Specifies script from command-line while telling Ruby not to search
the rest of arguments for a script file name.
the rest of the arguments for a script file name.
.It Fl h
.It Fl -help
.Li EOF ,
.Li "^D" ( Li "control-D" ) ,
.Li "^Z" ( Li "control-Z" ) ,
or reserved word
or the reserved word
.Li __END__ .
If the directory name is specified, Ruby will switch to that directory
before executing script.
This variable is obsolete.
And Ruby depends on some RubyGems related environment variables unless disabled RubyGems.
And Ruby depends on some RubyGems related environment variables unless RubyGems is disabled.
See the help of
.Xr gem 1
as bellow.
.Li Security vulnerabilities should be reported via an email to
.Aq Ns
.Li .
Reported problems will be published after fixed.
Reported problems will be published after they've been fixed.
.Li And you can report other bugs and feature requests via the
Ruby Issue Tracking System (