


Backport #3803 » ruby_bigdecimal_round_half_with_comments.patch

Patch with some extra comments which helped me figure out what's going on - matthw (Matthew Willson), 09/15/2010 10:56 AM

View differences:

ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (working copy)
* ROUND_UP:: round away from zero
* ROUND_DOWN:: round towards zero (truncate)
* ROUND_HALF_UP:: round up if the appropriate digit >= 5, otherwise truncate (default)
* ROUND_HALF_DOWN:: round up if the appropriate digit >= 6, otherwise truncate
* ROUND_HALF_EVEN:: round towards the even neighbor (Banker's rounding)
* ROUND_HALF_UP:: round towards the nearest neighbor, unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round away from zero. (default)
* ROUND_HALF_DOWN:: round towards the nearest neighbor, unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round towards zero.
* ROUND_HALF_EVEN:: round towards the nearest neighbor, unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round towards the even neighbor (Banker's rounding)
* ROUND_CEILING:: round towards positive infinity (ceil)
* ROUND_FLOOR:: round towards negative infinity (floor)
/* fracf: any positive digit under rounding position? */
/* fracf_1further: any positive digits under one further than the rounding position? */
/* exptoadd: number of digits needed to compensate negative nf */
int fracf;
int fracf, fracf_1further;
ssize_t n,i,ix,ioffset, exptoadd;
BDIGIT v, shifter;
nf += y->exponent * (ssize_t)BASE_FIG;
if (nf < 0) {
/* rounding position too left(large). */
if((f!=VP_ROUND_CEIL) && (f!=VP_ROUND_FLOOR)) {
VpSetZero(y,VpGetSign(y)); /* truncate everything */
return 0;
/* rounding position too left(large). */
if((f!=VP_ROUND_CEIL) && (f!=VP_ROUND_FLOOR)) {
VpSetZero(y,VpGetSign(y)); /* truncate everything */
return 0;
exptoadd = -nf;
nf = 0;
/* ix: x->fraq[ix] contains round position */
ix = nf / (ssize_t)BASE_FIG;
if ((size_t)ix >= y->Prec) return 0; /* rounding position too right(small). */
ioffset = nf - ix*(ssize_t)BASE_FIG;
v = y->frac[ix];
/* drop digits after pointed digit */
ioffset = nf - ix*(ssize_t)BASE_FIG;
n = (ssize_t)BASE_FIG - ioffset - 1;
for (shifter=1,i=0; i<n; ++i) shifter *= 10;
/* so the representation used (in y->frac) is an array of BDIGIT, where
each BDIGIT contains a value between 0 and BASE-1, consisting of BASE_FIG
decimal places.
(that numbers of decimal places are typed as ssize_t is somewhat confusing)
nf is now position (in decimal places) of the digit from the start of
the array.
ix is the position (in BDIGITS) of the BDIGIT containing the decimal digit,
from the start of the array.
v is the value of this BDIGIT
ioffset is the number of extra decimal places along of this decimal digit
within v.
n is the number of decimal digits remaining within v after this decimal digit
shifter is 10**n,
v % shifter are the remaining digits within v
v % (shifter * 10) are the digit together with the remaining digits within v
v / shifter are the digit's predecessors together with the digit
div = v / shifter / 10 is just the digit's precessors
(v / shifter) - div*10 is just the digit, which is what v ends up being reassigned to.
fracf = (v % (shifter * 10) > 0);
fracf_1further = ((v % shifter) > 0);
v /= shifter;
div = v / 10;
v = v - div*10;
if (fracf == 0) {
for (i=ix+1; (size_t)i < y->Prec; i++) {
if (y->frac[i] % BASE) {
fracf = 1;
/* now v is just the digit required.
now fracf is whether the digit or any of the remaining digits within v are non-zero
now fracf_1further is whether any of the remaining digits within v are non-zero
/* now check all the remaining BDIGITS for zero-ness a whole BDIGIT at a time.
if we spot any non-zeroness, that means that we foudn a positive digit under
rounding position, and we also found a positive digit under one further than
the rounding position, so both searches (to see if any such non-zero digit exists)
can stop */
for (i=ix+1; (size_t)i < y->Prec; i++) {
if (y->frac[i] % BASE) {
fracf = fracf_1further = 1;
/* now fracf = does any positive digit exist under the rounding position?
now fracf_1further = does any positive digit exist under one further than the
rounding position?
now v = the first digit under the rounding position */
/* drop digits after pointed digit */
memset(y->frac+ix+1, 0, (y->Prec - (ix+1)) * sizeof(BDIGIT));
switch(f) {
case VP_ROUND_DOWN: /* Truncate */
case VP_ROUND_UP: /* Roundup */
if (fracf) ++div;
case VP_ROUND_HALF_UP: /* Round half up */
if (v>=5) ++div;
case VP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN: /* Round half down */
if (v>=6) ++div;
if (v>5 || (v == 5 && fracf_1further)) ++div;
case VP_ROUND_CEIL: /* ceil */
if (fracf && (VpGetSign(y)>0)) ++div;
case VP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN: /* Banker's rounding */
if (v>5) ++div;
else if (v==5) {
if ((size_t)i == (BASE_FIG-1)) {
if (ix && (y->frac[ix-1]%2)) ++div;
if (fracf_1further) {
else {
if (div%2) ++div;
else {
if (ioffset == 0) {
/* v is the first decimal digit of its BDIGIT;
need to grab the previous BDIGIT if present
to check for evenness of the previous decimal
digit (which is same as that of the BDIGIT since
base 10 has a factor of 2) */
if (ix && (y->frac[ix-1]%2)) ++div;
else {
if (div%2) ++div;
return VpLeftRound(c, (int)VpGetRoundMode(), (ssize_t)ix);
/* If I understand correctly, this is only ever used to round off the final decimal
digit of precision */
static void
VpInternalRound(Real *c, size_t ixDigit, BDIGIT vPrev, BDIGIT v)
if(v >= 5) f = 1;
/* this is ok - because this is the last digit of precision,
the case where v == 5 and some further digits are nonzero
will never occur */
if(v >= 6) f = 1;
case VP_ROUND_CEIL: /* ceil */
if(v && (VpGetSign(c)<0)) f = 1;
case VP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN: /* Banker's rounding */
/* as per VP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN, because this is the last digit of precision,
there is no case to worry about where v == 5 and some further digits are nonzero */
if(v>5) f = 1;
else if(v==5 && vPrev%2) f = 1;
test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (working copy)
assert_equal(3, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_CEILING))
assert_equal(2, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR))
assert_raise(TypeError) { x.round(0, 256) }
15.times do |n|
x ="5#{'0'*n}1")
assert_equal(10**(n+2), x.round(-(n+2), BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN))
assert_equal(10**(n+2), x.round(-(n+2), BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN))
x ="0.5#{'0'*n}1")
assert_equal(1, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN))
assert_equal(1, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN))
x ="-0.5#{'0'*n}1")
assert_equal(-1, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN))
assert_equal(-1, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN))
def test_truncate