# 2.5 12/25/2017 * Bug #8352: URI squeezes a sequence of slashes in merging paths when it shouldn't * Feature #13743: Support linking of files opened with O_TMPFILE * Bug #13737: "can't modify frozen String" when installing bundled gems * Feature #14123: Kernel#pp by default * Bug #14070: Refining a module dumps core * Bug #14074: TracePoint#new without a block should not raise ThreadError * Feature #10169: It might be better to make Mathn class deprecated * Feature #14124: Show source around binding.irb on irb startup * Feature #13985: Avoid exception for #dup/#clone on Rational and Complex * Bug #13808: lib/ipaddr.gemspec includes `git ls-files -z` * Bug #13619: Unable to configure on Cygwin i686 environment * Bug #14201: Regression due to over optimization of hash splat * Feature #13256: Gemify etc * Feature #11286: [PATCH] Add case equality arity to Enumerable's sequence predicates. * Feature #13261: Gemify sdbm * Bug #13655: external encoding named "-" (doc issue or…?) * Feature #9323: IO#writev * Feature #13504: Document the Warning module and warn method * Feature #13403: Gemify fiddle * Feature #14140: Show exception message in bold and underline when logging to TTY * Bug #14203: miniruby crashes just after r61309 on mswin CI * Bug #13832: cfp consistency error occurred in vm_call_cfunc on non-optimized ruby * Bug #13411: Need to add OPTDIR to rpath earlier in configure * Bug #12705: yielding args to a lambda uses block/proc rather than lambda/method semantics * Feature #13685: Update Unicode data to Unicode Version 10.0.0 * Feature #12973: [RFC] net/http: use require_relative to reduce syscalls * Bug #12373: Optimize CSV#shift * Bug #13423: error in etc.gemspec * Feature #13780: String#each_grapheme * Feature #13552: [PATCH 0/2] reimplement ConditionVariable, Queue, SizedQueue using ccan/list * Feature #12753: Useful operator to check bit-flag is true or false * Bug #14212: Logger uses Kernel.#open to open a file, so it can open something more than files * Feature #11575: Blocks in ERB don't work as intended? * Feature #13334: Removed deprecated mathn extentions. * Feature #13335: Gemify mathn * Bug #13105: `String#to_f` and `String#to_r` don't stop at successive underscores * Bug #13440: Integer.sqrt produces wrong results * Feature #11624: ERB deserves its own commenting token * Feature #12906: do/end blocks work with ensure/rescue/else * Bug #13615: YAML parser stops processing at the first newline when byte order mark is present * Feature #13224: Add FrozenError as a subclass of RuntimeError * Feature #13177: Gemify csv * Feature #13182: Gemify cmath * Feature #13183: Gemify date * Feature #13186: Gemify zlib * Feature #13197: Gemify fileutils * Feature #8631: Add a new method to ERB to allow assigning the local variables from a hash * Feature #13206: Gemify fcntl * Feature #13201: Gemify dbm * Feature #13173: Gemify webrick * Feature #13213: Gemify scanf * Bug #13636: REXML::Document.parse_stream doesn't handle when closing tag not provided * Bug #14207: Failed to build 2.5.0-rc1 on CircleCI * Bug #13854: `make golf` broken * Bug #11464: ERB trimming doesn't trim carriage returns * Feature #13983: Rational and Complex should be frozen * Bug #13997: Bundler gem binstub broken * Bug #5339: ERB generates extra newlines on Windows * Feature #14104: Remove `trace` instructions * Bug #13492: Integer#prime? and Prime.each might produce false positives * Feature #8499: Importing Hash#slice, Hash#slice!, Hash#except, and Hash#except! from ActiveSupport * Feature #13732: Precise Time.now on Windows * Bug #14162: Invoking binding.irb destructively shifts ARGV * Bug #14221: Fix ruby.h behaviour in old compilers: __builtin_choose_expr is different before 4.8.5 * Bug #13973: super_method fails on some UnboundMethods * Bug #13998: BOM disables "mismatched indentations" warning * Bug #13895: TestVMDump test fails on High Sierra * Feature #13866: Copy offloading in IO.copy_stream * Feature #13686: Add states of scanner to tokens from Ripper.lex and Ripper::Filter#on_* * Bug #13897: libffi is now not bundled in snapshots * Bug #14014: NaN.finite? * Feature #14041: Remove NaCl support * Bug #14171: can't alloc thread (ThreadError) in DRbServer#main_loop * Bug #13975: standard library になった bundler で bundle gem を実行できない * Bug #14023: SyntaxError on array argument and block * Bug #14057: TracePoint#enable and disable should not yield arguments * Bug #13769: IPAddr#ipv4_compat incorrect behavior * Feature #14038: Use rb_execution_context_t instead of rb_thread_t to represent execution context * Feature #13867: Copy offloading in IO.copy_stream * Bug #14031: WeakRef example misleading and wrong * Bug #14068: Unused refinement breaks method search * Bug #14186: cannot build ruby with tarball on noruby environment * Bug #14191: Coverage decreased between 2.4.3 and 2.5.0rc1 * Bug #13505: circular require prints the backtrace directly to stderr * Feature #13483: TracePoint#enable with block for thread-local trace * Feature #14143: Thread.report_on_exception should be true by default