git grep "[ _]" lib/rubygems/indexer.rb: # HACK: fuck this shit - borks all tests that use pl1 test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: def util_fuck_with_fetcher data, blow = false test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: fetcher = util_fuck_with_fetcher a1_data test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: fetcher = util_fuck_with_fetcher a1_data test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: fetcher = util_fuck_with_fetcher test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: fetcher = util_fuck_with_fetcher e1_data, :blow_chunks git grep -i wtf | grep -v tkIcons lib/rubygems/path_support.rb: # FIX: I can't tell wtf this is doing. lib/rubygems/source_index.rb: only_platform = false # FIX: WTF is this?!? lib/rubygems/specification.rb: raise "wtf: #{spec.full_name} not in #{all_names.inspect}" unless test/psych/test_struct.rb: # FIXME: This seems to cause an infinite loop. wtf. Must report a bug git grep -i shit | grep -i -v "fukushitekimeishi\|ishitsuka\|item_iss_shitm\|yamashita\|matsushita\|tkextlib\|" lib/rubygems/specification.rb: # FIX: have this handle the platform/new_platform/original_platform bullshit git grep -i lame | grep -i -v "flame\|lament\|lamerpad" lib/rdoc/markup/to_bs.rb: return string unless string.respond_to? :chars # your ruby is lame lib/rubygems.rb: FileUtils.mkdir_p subdir rescue nil # in case of perms issues -- lame test/minitest/test_minitest_unit.rb: # this is a semi-lame mix of relative paths.